Just a quick one before anything else! This post may contain affiliate links, which means that as an Amazon Associate, I may receive a commission if you make a purchase. Alright, on to the review!

I have recently tried brush lettering with Sakura Koi Coloring Brush Pens, and of course, an honest review is in order. The Koi Coloring Brush pen has a flexible brush tip that gives a good line variation. Put simply, its thin and thick strokes have a very obvious difference. The upstrokes are not as thin as the Pentel Touch brush sign pen though, so that means you have to write bigger when using the Koi brushes.

I’m using two of my favorite colors, Prussian Blue and Blue Green light. I like how dark and saturated these colors appeared upon drying (and they’re water-based and thus dry fast). They’re really vibrant and looks great when you write big!

The flexible tip is pretty stiff which makes writing quite easy to control. It’s flexible but springs back quickly after adding pressure. It’s durable and will probably serve you well for a very long time. If you’re just getting started in brush lettering, you may download an alphabet exemplar for you to trace or copy. You’ll be familiar with the letter strokes in no time when you use an exemplar or guide when starting out.

I have not tried blending colors yet, but you can create washes, layers and color gradations using Koi Water Brushes. How fun is that?

The Sakura Koi Coloring Brush Pen is a great beginner brush specially for those who tend to write big. Seasoned brush lettering artists will find this fun to use because of their vibrant colors, flexibility and durability.
Ready to shop? Here are the links!
If you want all the colors :: Sakura 48-Piece Koi Coloring Brush Pen Set
If you want a 12-color set :: Sakura 12-Piece Koi Coloring Brush Pen Set
If you want 6 shades of gray (hah!) :: Sakura 6-Piece Koi Coloring Brush Pen Set, Gray
If you want gradations and take your lettering to the next level :: Sakura 2-Piece Koi Colorless Blender Set
Have fun lettering!
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